i am not a mac user, but i saw on my wife’s machines (she wont let me touch them 'coz i tend to linuxize them) that mac stuff do create some voodoo hidden files in all places.
carefully check the .whatever files and set gitignore acordingly
Hi Ibus, I think that’s not the problem: as I reported, the cause of the bug is that Windows tries to convert a MacOS file path (/Applications/Katalon Studio.app/Contents/MacOS/…) to a Windows path (C:/Applications/Katalon Studio.app/Contents/MacOS/C::/Users/CASTIL~1/AppData/Local/…), so that conversion results in an invalid file path.
You wrote “the cause of the bug is that Windows tries to convert a MacOS file path to a Windows path”.
I disagree with your view.
The .project file contains information which is machine-specfic, so that you should not transport the .project file across machines. You should not include the .project file in the zip archive.
“create a zip -> copy it across machines -> unzip it” — by doing this way, you will encounter a lot more troubles. For example, the .classpath file will most probably annoy you next. The bin/ folder transported from other machine will make your Katalon Studio crazy.
I suppose that you are not using Git. I believe you should use Git to share “source files only” across machines excluding machine-dependent files which are generated by Katalon Studio for each individual runtime environment.
What Git is for? Have a look at the following description
In the <projectDir>/.gitignore file you want to write