Not possible to generate sh file jenkins need from katalon studio

Did anybody faced this ?
In order to run katalon test in jenkins I need a sh file file below:

However when I try to generate it from Katalon studio it does not let me add to the repo:

Do I have to manually add that to my repo, outside katalon studio ?
Am I missing anything ?

Captura de Tela 2018-10-31 às 00.46.50.png

Captura de Tela 2018-10-31 às 00.23.33.png

Do I have to manually add that to my repo, outside katalon studio ?

Yes, you have to.

You start any editor you like (emacs, vim, atom, etc) and create a new file (e.g., and paste the generated command into the file, save it.

Are you surprised? In fact, Katalon Studio does not allow you create/edit arbitrary file in Katalon GUI.

See also

kazurayam I am actually really impressed by the quick response! wow!

kazurayam said:

Are you surprised? In fact, Katalon Studio does not allow you create/edit arbitrary file in Katalon GUI.

See also

This is actually really frustrating, there’s no option to add a arbitrary file to project directory. I am also impressed with this lol

there’s no option to add a arbitrary file to project directory.

In fact, you can add any number of directories and files in the Katalon project directory as far as their names do not collide with Katalon-recognized resources. You can add them using other tools (not by Katalon Studio). Katalon Studio does not mind the added ones, it just ignores them.

This is actually really frustrating,

I myself am not so much frustrated. I have got used to it. :slight_smile: I know I can add files/directories in Katalon project using other tools (e.g. emacs, vim, atom).

I would rather respect the design decision of Katalon Studio that it is NOT a general purpose editor/IDE. This decision makes it simple, easier for users to understand as a test automation tool.

However, sometimes I imagine a scene where I open a project in 2 perspectives at the same time: the Katalon Studio perspective and the Eclipse native Java perspective.

When I run WebUI/WebSerice/Mobile tests, I would work in the Katalon Studio perspective. When I want to do something unsupported by Katalon Studio, I would switch to the Eclipse native Java perspective where I can do whatever magic I like (e.g. run Gradle tool).

What do I mean by “something unsupported by Katalon Studio”? It includes a few:

  • importing Data Files from AWS S3 storage
  • pushing test logs/reports/screenshots to S3
  • do thorough unit testing for complex Custom Keywords by JUnit or Spock
  • generating Groovydoc of Custom Keywords
  • importing the Groovy source files of Custom Keyword developed by other project, while specifying include/exclude files by the patterns of paths.

Thanks a lot kazurayam for the clear explanation

You are a true Evangelist, however we will re-think the use of katalon, unfortunately sometimes I feel that for the whole automation of CI works we need to do a lot of manual work around… :confused: