Method swipe() hangs with katalon v10

Hi everyone
I am having a serious problem with katalon v10. During the test run, my katalon often hangs at the swipe() method.
After many runs and analysis, I found that this problem occurs when there are many swipe() method in my TestCase or TestSuite, after hanging for about 8 minutes, katalon shoots out the error log.
This problem also occurs with method scrollToText() and hideKeyboard().
Below is the error log files .txt.
hideKeyboard_Issue_Log.txt (7.7 KB)
swipe_Issue_Log.txt (6.3 KB)

I turned on Task Manager during the test run and saw that there were many adbs appearing every time katalon was running. My record was up to 6 adbs. I don’t understand why there were so many adbs appearing

My settings are

  • Katalon v10.0.1
  • Appium v2.13.1
  • uiautomator2 v2.45.1
  • Real pixel 7 phone - Android 14 anđ 15

Does anyone know why?

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Hi there, and thanks for posting in the Katalon community! :hugs:

To help you faster, please review our guide on Swipe here:

Double-checking the steps and configurations might resolve the issue.

If the doc doesn’t help, feel free to provide more details, and a community member will assist you soon. Thanks for being a part of our community!

Albert Le


What about the problem with methods Mobile.getDeviceHeight(), Mobile.scrollToText() and Mobile.hideKeyboard()
They have the same problem as methods Mobile.swipe()

@NTTDATAItalia_POnL I use these functions pretty often on real android devices for automation. I am not currently running into this issue and would suggest upgrading your uiautomator2 driver to version 3 or above.

I was running into swipe issues on both iOS and android devices but when upgrading to Katalon v10 and uiautomator2 v3.8.1 I have stopped having those issues.

I updated uiautomator2 to v3.8.1, but this problem still exists
Of course Mobile.swipe() works, but it only works 3-4 times and the 5th time it crashes
My project has a lot of tests that need to use Mobile.swipe(), if it only works a few times, it’s really not good

Log when function A crashes