I am no longer able to use the swipe on android devices I have been using it for a while on android and iOS and all of a sudden it stopped working. My versions did not change. I know there have been ongoing swipe issues for real devices so I have been intentionally not upgrading my appium version, xcuitest driver version or uiautomator2 version.
While trying to debug I looked through KS release notes and saw a fix for a scrollToText function in KS version 9.7.1 so I thought I would download and install the latest version. Only version 9.6.0 is available to me on the download page so that is what I installed.
Has anyone else experienced the swipe issue on android devices even while following the workaround steps linked below? All the other forums about this list these workaround steps which are no longer working on my android devices:
- Appium: 2.5.1 (also tried with 2.2.3 which was my previous verison)
- uiautomator2 driver: 2.45.1
- Katalon Studio: 9.6.0
- Android OS: 10 and 13 (two different devices)