[KShare] iOS Error Codes - Definitions & Solutions

Error code #4

Fail to start Appium server in 60 seconds



Katalon cannot detect appium to start

Root cause

Installing iOS dependencies by homebrew is not recommended as it will cause some issues that lead to Katalon cannot detect the dependencies.



Uninstall Node and Appium

  • Uninstall Node: Following this article. Make sure Node is completely removed using command Node -v

  • Uninstall the current Appium that is installed by node: npm uninstall -g appium. Make sure Node is completely removed using command Appium -v

Reinstall Node

  • Simply go to this site to download the latest Node manually: Download | Node.js
  • After downloading Node, continue to install appium 2.0 using npm install -g appium@next
    Check to see if drivers are still installed using appium driver list
  • Install IOS driver using appium driver install xcuitest
  • Install UIAutomator Drive using appium driver install uiautomator2

Install Katalon 8.5.4. Katalon.Studio.dmg

Rebuild you WebdriverAgent

Rebuild your WebDriverAgent again with the new node and try to start the iOS on Katalon Studio to see how it works.

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