Katalon Studio V. 6.1.5 - Not Run Tests because file chromdriver

I try to run test cases, but this error in the Event Log does not let me run:

Warning: NLS missing message: MSG_FORUM_SEARCH in: com.kms.katalon.constants.messages
Warning: NLS unused message: Key in: com.kms.katalon.composer.webui.constants.composerWebuiMessages
Warning: NLS missing message: DIA_CONFIRM_INSTALL_WEBDRIVER in: com.kms.katalon.composer.webui.constants.composerWebuiMessages
Warning: NLS missing message: DIA_CONFIRM_INSTALL_WEBDRIVER_TITLE in: com.kms.katalon.composer.webui.constants.composerWebuiMessages

chromedriver is located at default location: C:\Users\matheus.carmo\Katalon_Studio_Windows_64-6.1.5 - Error\configuration\resources\drivers\chromedriver_win32\chromedriver.exe. In case your browser is updated to a newer version, please use this command to update chromdriver: --config -webui.autoUpdateDrivers=true
Launcher status after execution process completed: Running
Launcher status after execution process completed: Running

I have already copied the file chromedriver.exe (https://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/index.html?path=74.0.3729.6 to the folder (C:\Katalon_Studio_Windows_64-6.1.5\configuration\resources\drivers\chromedriver_win32)) according to the version of my Chrome browser that is v.74.0.3729.169. And even then the message continues and no test case runs

I"m facing the same issue. The console only display Launcher status after execution process completed: Running
. This is happening in the same version for mobile - Android.

After click to execute the Sample Katalon doesn’t run the test and display Launcher status after execution process completed: Running
in the console.