Katalon Studio Unexpected Behavior with git

Please let us know what you are using Katalon Studio for?

  1. I have currently applied Katalon Studio in my project

How would your work be affected if this issue has not been resolved?

  1. I can continue my job, but my performance is lower than expected

Operating System

macOS Big Sur

Katalon Studio Version

8.0.1 build 208

Katalon Studio logs

Screenshots / Videos

  • Please attach screenshots or videos if necessary to reproduce the issue

Description of the issue:
Changes are not confined to a single branch; git version control simply doesn’t function.

I enabled git on the project, and opened a project that is under git control on bitbucket.

If I create and check out a new branch from within Katalon Studio, the new branch is created and purportedly checked out, but any changes made are reflected on both the new branch and on the branch that was branched from.

If I do all of the git interactions from the command line, Katalon Studio is happy to work with the project. But anything I try to do with the git support in the IDE simply doesn’t work.

All of the “how-to” documentation for git and Katalon Studio is very happy-path, and I don’t see anything else I would need to do to correct this behavior.

Creating screen shots/videos is going to be labor intensive, so I thought I would start with this post to see if there are known issues with git at this version?


This may help: https://docs.katalon.com/katalon-studio/docs/git-integration.html