Katalon SSH key generation no longer satisifes Github security protocol - help!


I’ve been using an SSH - RSA key that I generated in Katalon a few weeks ago to connect to my github repo. As of today, that key throws the following error and I tracked it down to a change in RSA key security that went into effect March 15, 2022 with Github. Wanted to ask if there’s a way to generate an RSA SHA-2 key type natively within Katalon or if anyone was aware?


See Github blog for info…
[Improving Git protocol security on GitHub | The GitHub Blog](http://Github - protocol security changes)![RSA_error|361x244]

@duyluong @Jass

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Hi @chris.oneal

Thank you for reporting this issue.

Since Github has dropped the support for DSA and RSA SHA-1, you cannot integrate Studio with Github via SSH. We acknowledge this known issue and plan for an upgrade in upcoming releases.

The workaround, for now, is to use HTTPS protocol with Github Personal Access Token or using Git with terminal or 3rd party tools.

Happy Testing
