Katalon CI/CD integration


We are looking for the possibility to integrate Katalon in our Jenkins pipeline in the pre-deployment phase.
Our pipeline mainly consist off the following steps: Build, Test, Analyze, Documentation, Package, Provision.
I was exploring the KRE license (we already have the Katalon Studio Enterprise one) but i need to make sure that this is the correct option for us.

Could you please advise.


Hi @brt.ralsiblani, You require a KRE license to run your Jenkins pipeline. We use it for our Jenkins and Azure DevOps pipelines. You DevOps engineer will need to configure it for your requirements.

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Hi there Rania,

Thank you for your topic.

For your inquiry, we will be connecting you to our Sales & Products teams so that they can advise you on a suitable option for your team’s needs.

We will reach out to you soon.
