Katalon and browser execution seems to run in the background

I have my project configured to run through jenkins and when i try to execute it from jenkins, I am seeing through the jenkins console that the Katalon studio and the corresponding test execution has started but it fails everytime. I dont see visually though that anything is happening, is it running in the background or something. If yes how can I get it run in foreground and see what is going on with the test execution. I tried uninstalling and installing Jenkins and Katalon but it doesnt help. Am I missing something?

I have the same problem - it is critical for debugging

maybe someone know how solve this?

rabah said:

I have my project configured to run through jenkins and when i try to execute it from jenkins, I am seeing through the jenkins console that the Katalon studio and the corresponding test execution has started but it fails everytime. I dont see visually though that anything is happening, is it running in the background or something. If yes how can I get it run in foreground and see what is going on with the test execution. I tried uninstalling and installing Jenkins and Katalon but it doesnt help. Am I missing something?

Hi @2084-rabah

Jenkins will not open the visual browser for you to see. It’s done behind the screen.


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If jenkins installed by windows installer it will show Console out put only.

To see browsers download jenkins.war file and run java -jar jenkins.war from command line.