Katalon 6.1.1 build1 MacOs 10.14 appium v1.8.2-beta app cannot be run on the real device


I’m on MacOS 10.14 with Katalon 6.1.1 (build 1) and Appium 1.8.2-beta (tried also with v 1.12.) and I’m not able to run an app on the device connected to the Mac.
The error message: “…Bad app: /myapp.ipa App paths need to be absolute or an URL to a compressed zip. …”
Do you have any ideea what I could be done wrong?

Thank you,
Cristian Muraru

Hi @cristian.muraru,

Could you please share your test script? Specifically, the startApplication function? The error message is telling you that the /myapp.ipa is not found. The startApplication() function doesn’t work with relative paths, so you’ll need to specify the full system path to the .ipa, e.g.:

startApplication('c:\users\me\documents\myapp.ipa', false)

Hope this helps,
