Issues running Katalon on Linux Server

  1. We’re using RedHat Enterprise Linux 6.6

  2. Removed Oracle JDK and installed OpenJDK 1.8. “java -version” shows everything is fine

  3. I’ve extracted the Katalon archive in /root/katalon/

  4. Copied the “Test Project” folder to /root/

  5. Deleted the “/root/Test Project/.project” file

  6. Ran the command:

./katalon -runMode=console -consoleLog -projectPath=“/root/Test Project/Test Project.prj” -retry=0 -testSuitePath=“Test Suites/Google” -browserType=“Chrome”

and get the following output:

Starting Groovy-Eclipse compiler resolver. Specified compiler level: unspecified
136 2.4.7.xx-201611170128-e46 = ACTIVE

Test Suites/Google - Chrome (headless) - 20180801_105820…0/0(0%)

Request sent successfully.
Request sent successfully.
08-01-2018 10:58:26 AM - [START] - Start Test Suite : Test Suites/Google
08-01-2018 10:58:26 AM - [RUN_DATA] - Logging run data ‘hostName’ with value ‘Unknow host’
08-01-2018 10:58:26 AM - [RUN_DATA] - Logging run data ‘os’ with value ‘Linux 64bit’
08-01-2018 10:58:26 AM - [RUN_DATA] - Logging run data ‘hostAddress’ with value ‘’
08-01-2018 10:58:26 AM - [RUN_DATA] - Logging run data ‘katalonVersion’ with value ‘’
08-01-2018 10:58:27 AM - [END] - End Test Suite : Test Suites/Google

Test Suites/Google - Chrome (headless) - 20180801_105820…0/0(0%)

The test scenario is really just a basic google as we are just trying to get this to work in general so we can move on to more complex test cases eventually. Our goal is to use this with Jenkins on this Linux server but we can’t get it to work so far. Any insight/help would be appreciated.

guys, i know it’s not direct solution, but did you think about using docker image with Katalon? Will be probably easier to utilize that since Jenkins have really good support for incorporating docker images in CI/CD pipelines.

Andrej Podhajský said:

guys, i know it’s not direct solution, but did you think about using docker image with Katalon? Will be probably easier to utilize that since Jenkins have really good support for incorporating docker images in CI/CD pipelines.

We tried that and we go the same exact output. Not sure where else to go.

Try removing the -consoleLog option in your command.