Issue in installing plugin

After creating plugin, I placed the .jar file of the plugin inside Plugins folder of the fresh project. Now as mentioned here, in ‘Test the Custom Keywords plugin’ I restarted the project. But even after restarting it, I do not see the Keywords in keywords folder. Although a message is shown in the event log that custom keyword plugin found.
Also, getting these warnings in the logs:

Warning: NLS unused message: Key in: com.kms.katalon.composer.webui.constants.composerWebuiMessages
Warning: NLS missing message: DIA_CONFIRM_INSTALL_WEBDRIVER in: com.kms.katalon.composer.webui.constants.composerWebuiMessages
Warning: NLS missing message: DIA_CONFIRM_INSTALL_WEBDRIVER_TITLE in: com.kms.katalon.composer.webui.constants.composerWebuiMessages

Any idea how can I resolve these warnings and install this without publishing to the Katalon store.

Thank you for the detailed question. If possible please share the plugin package for inspection.

I noticed that custom keywords are shown while creating test cases, and not fetched in the Keywords folder. Is that expected?
Ill send you the plugin to have a look at the warnings.