Custom keywords from plugins are not visible in the suggestions

I have created a custom keyword plugin and have imported this in another katalon project.
But after importing the plugin I am not able to view them under custom Keywords category. Although the method calls are executed as expected.

Did anybody face the same issue?
please let me know what can be done?

does your keyword have properly formatted docstrings?

Are you referring to following format of a keyword where we specify the list of parameters?

* @param locator : string locator
* @param strategy : xpath \ css
* @return WebElement
* @throws Exception
* @description this function will return the webelement for which unique xpath has been provided

public WebElement getElement(String locator, String strategy) throws Exception {
	//some code

Such explanations are no attached to all present keywords.
Could this a reason to my issue?

add @Keyword before your function, like this:

public WebElement getElement(String locator, String strategy) throws Exception {
	//some code

Yes I have added the same.
But since multiple classes are extending same class, multiple instances are getting created for single keyword. Also at one point I received “java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0” after importing a plugin. And keyword from one class are not available in the custom Keyword dropdown.

Image for the single keyword displayed several times in the listing

Image of the error I received.

After adding the keywords, the entry is not going to cusomKeywords.groovy file