Is it possible to have both API Related Test Suite & UI Test Suite in same project?


we are a startup trying to automate our application Houston Lawyers which has API and UI of course and I would like to start a project that has both API & UI based Katalon testing. Is that possible to do so? When I start a new project it seems I have to pick one or the other. I don’t want to maintain 2 GIT repositories.

Many thanks for your help.

Yes, you can do both in the same project. I believe when you first open the studio, it tries to point toward one or the other to get new users acquainted with the tool.

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Here is a sample project where I used WebUI.* keywords and WS.* keywords together in a test case:

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You can safely ignore this.

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When you start a new project, select (or keep the default option as Generic) Generic option. It will help you to have UI and API tests in the same project.

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Thanks everyone. Really appreciate the help.

But how to run a project like that? You have to select a platform to build and run it. Let say I have API, Web and API test cases in single project then how can I run that kind of project?