iPhone Device not found in spy mobile or record mobile

Hello Katalon studio cannot detect my iPhone device on Spy Mobile & Record Mobile. I followed all the steps in the documentation on how to use iOS mobile for Katalon. Which is weird because unlike my android phone I just plug it and it’s detected immediately by Katalon.

Operating System: macOS Big Sur 11.6.1
Katalon Studio Version: 8.2.0
Appium version: 1.22.1
Mobile platform/version under test: iOS 12 & iOS 14
Real device or emulator/simulator: iPhone 6 & iPhone SE 2020
Xcode version (for iOS): 13.1

Thanks in advance.

Hi @jgonzales,

Please refer to the solution in this topic:
katalon doesn’t recognize real device on Mac m1 - Katalon Studio / Mobile Testing - Katalon Community