How Users Benefit from the Katalon Platform

This article discusses the benefits of using the platform, why Git integration is needed, and what it takes to get familiar with and use the new Katalon platform.

Centralization for Testing and Quality Management

The Katalon platform is now the nexus for AI-enabled platform capabilities as well as the control center for all platform components including Katalon Studio, Runtime Engine, and TestCloud. It also allows users to seamlessly integrate with other testing frameworks and popular ALM, DevOps, and CI/CD tools.

With all the capabilities now available within just a few clicks, the platform becomes the central place where users can perform most of their critical tasks in the testing workflow, from planning, managing tests, scheduling executions on TestCloud or CI/CD environments to reporting and analytics.

The platform also streamlines the process of sharing reports and other test artifacts, which typically took a lot of work prior to the platform release. For example, after executing tests in Katalon Studio, users needed to manually download report files in PDF, CSV, or HTML and then share them with other team members via email.

Now, test results are automatically uploaded to the platform and analyzed for actionable insights. Depending on the roles, team members simply go to the platform to get the reports, metrics, or information they need to evaluate the quality of the tests or the application under test.

Better Team Collaboration

The Katalon platform enhances team collaboration by offering different modules to meet the needs of different team members. For example, automation engineers might use Katalon Studio to create automated test cases. But other team members, like the test manager or project manager, don’t need to do the same since writing tests isn’t their area of expertise or scope of work.

Instead, managers can focus on exploring other relevant modules such as organization and project setup, test planning, management, and reporting, leaving the irrelevant configuration tasks like setting up Katalon Studio and Git integration to the engineers.

Once everything is set up, the tests created in Katalon Studio can be easily uploaded, managed on the Katalon platform, and then scheduled to run on Katalon TestCloud or CI/CD environments. Results and analytics are generated automatically afterward for release readiness evaluation.

Why Git Integration?

We believe there’s a widespread industrial shift to move to the cloud and use Git repositories for software development. It enables businesses and teams to enhance collaboration, move fast, and scale up. We developed the Katalon platform to be tightly tied to the software development and testing lifecycle, so Git integration is required. Please note that we also support Azure Repos, Bitbucket, and other types of repositories.

When teams move to the cloud and integrate their repositories with the Katalon platform, they can leverage cloud-based resources to optimize and streamline their test project setup, management, and collaboration. No more wasted time spent setting up local test environments, handling maintenance, or sharing artifacts across teams.

Starting with the New Katalon Platform: Things to Know

To use the Katalon platform, a team should be willing to:

  • Use on-cloud solutions
  • Connect your repository to the platform

Since the platform ties directly to the software testing lifecycle, teams can easily learn how to configure and use Katalon for test planning, authoring, managing, executing, and reporting in a short period of time.

There should also be an administrative role in the team to manage users, licenses, product usage, and billing of the Katalon platform. It can be the team lead, the manager, or the director. This role should deeply understand the organizational needs and know how to organize projects within the platform to achieve those needs.

It’s important to note that the Katalon platform serves teams of all sizes as well as individual users.

Next Major Focus for the Katalon Platform

We continue to listen to our users and gather feedback on the platform. Here are the three areas we are currently focusing on:

  • UI/UX enhancements for better performance and workflow
  • New integration development with other tools and frameworks
  • Feature enhancements and new functionality development

Stay tuned for the upcoming releases, and feel free to share any feedback and suggestions for improvements. Special thanks to Katalon Product Manager Anh Chu for sharing his thoughts and insights on this topic.

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Have a nice week!

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