How to store the results to next column of the csv input columns using katalon recorder

i am trying to see whether katalon ran through all rows in the csv and update the status of the testcase

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Hi there,

Thank you very much for your topic. Please note that it may take a little while before a member of our community or from Katalon team responds to you.


@k.lakuma Can you please share with us a copy of what your script contains, as it gives us more to work with than the description that you’ve provided.

Also, please explain what happens when you do run it at the moment (e.g. description, but you can also include copies of console logs around this, etc)

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It runs properly and i am capturing the failed screenshot. But i dont want to go into screenshots. i want excel sheet with updated status.

It running properly doesn’t actually let us know what your script contains, it just tells us how you feel it is behaving. We need the (related) contents of your scripts, otherwise we won’t have enough details to help you.

In the meantime, the only thing I can currently recommend to you is that you check out this page:


It seems you are using Katalon Recorder, a browser Add-on. An Add-on works in a security-sandbox restricted by browser where the module is not allowed to call external Excel app, it is not allowed to make I/O to local disk. You have no hope to update .xlsx file from Katalon Recorder.

If you switch to Katalon Studio, it would be possible. No security sandox there. Please make google search “Katalon update Excel”. You will find several links to the resources that tells you how to. But I would warn you, updating the .xlsx files from your scripts in Katalon Studio is no easy. It would require you days of programming efforts; up to your skill.