How get certificate of Completion of Manual and Automatic Testing courses?

How can I get all of my certificates???
I completed each and every course with full dedication and hardwork.
But at the end, all of my precious efforts & time spent on these stupid Courses became totally Wasted :pensive::person_facepalming:.
It was a very bad experience here so I don’t recommend anyone to learn from this platform (there are still other options available for your Learning.):slightly_smiling_face:
By the way, here are Evidences in the form of can clearly see …

Note: The User interface of this platform community is still a little bit complex to understand for me (i don’t know you clearly open or see these screenshots or not :face_with_monocle:).
~if Any suggestions or feedback of my problem is available (Or have a solution) then please reply :pray:t2: