How get certificate of Completion of Manual and Automatic Testing courses?

How get certificate after Completion of Courses???
I fully completed many courses but still I didn’t get a single certificate :angry::frowning:Why???
By the way I don’t know much about this platform/community. So If I did any mistakes of asking questions here so please ignore and explain it to me :pray:

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Hi there Arham,

Welcome to Katalon Community! :wave:

We are sorry to hear about your recent experiences with the Katalon Certifcation Program. Could you let us know which courses you have completed by providing us with the screenshots by going to your profile → Enrolled course and also Certifications? Thanks

I am going to tag in my colleages @viet.nguyen and from our Academy team who will be able to assist you with this issue.

Thanks. :+1:


How can I get all of my certificates???
I completed each and every course with full dedication and hardwork.
But at the end, all of my precious efforts & time spent on these stupid Courses became totally Wasted :pensive::person_facepalming:.
It was a very bad experience here so I don’t recommend anyone to learn from this platform (there are still other options available for your Learning.):slightly_smiling_face:
By the way, here are Evidences in the form of can clearly see …

Note: The User interface of this platform community is still a little bit complex to understand for me (i don’t know you clearly open or see these screenshots or not :face_with_monocle:).
~if Any suggestions or feedback of my problem is available (Or have a solution) then please reply :pray:t2:

Hi @arhamali1best. First of all, welcome to the community. And thank you for your interest in learning and getting certifications on Katalon Academy.

1/ Right now, we don’t offer a certificate of completion for each course. But we do for our learning paths. We have two learning paths available on Katalon Academy:

Once you complete all the courses in a learning path, you will receive your certification of completion via an automated email.

I saw that you had already completed many courses. Simply go to each learning path, hit “Enroll”, continue to learn, and complete the rest of the courses in such path to get the certificate.

2/ Besides the certificate of completion for learning paths, we also have Katalon Certification Program. This program will certify your automation skills for your hands-on experience in using Katalon products (rather than course completions). More information on how the program works can be found here: Katalon Certification Program - Advanced Your Career With Katalon

In short, you will need to actually use Katalon products to meet specific requirements in the program to get the certification(s). Course completions are not required at all.

The courses in the “Certification Materials” category (which you show in your screenshots) are helpful resources so that you can learn the steps of how to use Katalon to meet the certain requirements in the Katalon Certification Program. Please note again that we don’t offer certification upon completion of a course.

Hope my answer helps.


First of all Thank you so much for your valuable support and feedback :pray:.Now as you told me, I have completed all the courses in a learning path . So can you please tell us when will the Certificates arrive??? Because I checked my " Certification" option in Profile that is still empty. ALSO I didn’t get/received any notification/email of Congratulations/ Completion of Learning path:face_with_monocle::thinking:.

By the way, here are proof :receipt: of completed “Learning Path” model

Again thanks for your Quick response :blush::+1:
Please tell me the Arrival time of Certificate Achieved . When I will get my Certificates ?

~ waiting for your reply (⁠ ⁠´⁠◡⁠‿⁠ゝ⁠◡⁠`⁠)

Hi @arhamali1best. Thanks for your screenshots. I will go and check with our team internally to see whether there’s any issue in the system. I will inform you as soon as I have an update. Thank you for your patience.

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Hi @arhamali1best, could you check whether the certificates of completion has displayed in your user dashboard on Katalon Academy?

Hi all,

It seems like the issue has been resolved. Hence, I will proceed to close this topic up soon.



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