I’m new to Katalon and trying to understand how can I pass the query parameter for Rest request from the test case?
e.g. a simple POST Rest request to create an item
Post : http://${IP}/items/name=test
I want to pass the value for “name” parameter from the test case.
The URL seems not in the correct format, so I am not sure what kind of parameter you want to use.
If it is Query Parameters, you can set the value as shown in the following screenshot
I have setup request parameters as in the snapshot.
Then in Test case I have following code where I am setting value of Global variable
RequestObject request= findTestObject(‘create_folder’, [(‘IP_Add’) : GlobalVariable.Server])
ArrayList HTTPHeader = new ArrayList()
HTTPHeader.add(new TestObjectProperty(‘name’, ConditionType.EQUALS,GlobalVariable.PrjName))
response= WS.sendRequest(request)
if (response.getStatusCode()==201)
KeywordUtil.markPassed("request successful item deleted: " + + response.getStatusCode()+ response.getResponseBodyContent())
KeywordUtil.markFailed('request unsuccessful: ’ + response.getResponseBodyContent())
But the JSON response shows that the item name is set to “name”: “${name}”, instead of “name”: “prjName”,
I was missing name global variable while initializing request object. Also setting Global Variable before request object initialization Fixed it …
GlobalVariable.PrjName = “prjName”
RequestObject request= findTestObject(‘create_folder’, [(‘IP_Add’) : GlobalVariable.Server, (‘name’) : GlobalVariable.PrjName])
ArrayList HTTPHeader = new ArrayList()
HTTPHeader.add(new TestObjectProperty(‘name’, ConditionType.EQUALS,GlobalVariable.PrjName))
response= WS.sendRequest(request)
if (response.getStatusCode()==201)
KeywordUtil.markPassed("request successful item deleted: " + + response.getStatusCode()+ response.getResponseBodyContent())
KeywordUtil.markFailed('request unsuccessful: ’ + response.getResponseBodyContent())