I’m trying to migrate to 10.0.0 version in order to implement features from Selenium 4. I’ve been using 8.6.9 until now. Our implementation relies on Cucumber features, so I had to implement this solution to even be able to launch the browser: I got this `bytebuddy` error when executing BDD test - #22 by dpp. On the other hand, the browser opens and closes and none of the steps run and I do not receive any significant error message on why (tried from feature and from test suite).
Now, I noticed that, when I add lines to the feature (without step definition) it is not highlighted as in previous versions of Katalon. And, when I try to access the step definitions (by right click > Find step definition or cmd + left click), I can’t. Try to Recalculate steps also doesn’t seem to do any effect.
*Steps to reproduce
- Migrate to 10.0.0
- Open a Cucumber feature
- Try to find the step definitions
*Expected Results
I should access the class where I defined the step definition.
*Actual Results
Nothing happens.
Number of affected users?
I’m not sure, may be a general issue.
*Operating System
MacOS Sonoma
*Katalon Studio version
Version 10.0.0
*Katalon Studio logs
MacOS logs folder: file:///Applications/Katalon%20Studio.app/Contents/MacOS/config/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.ui.workbench/log
No logs in that folder.
Environment (for Web Testing)
Chrome 130
Please let me know if I can provide any useful information.