Issues with Step definitions of Cucumber in 10.0.0 version

I’m trying to migrate to 10.0.0 version in order to implement features from Selenium 4. I’ve been using 8.6.9 until now. Our implementation relies on Cucumber features, so I had to implement this solution to even be able to launch the browser: I got this `bytebuddy` error when executing BDD test - #22 by dpp. On the other hand, the browser opens and closes and none of the steps run and I do not receive any significant error message on why (tried from feature and from test suite).

Now, I noticed that, when I add lines to the feature (without step definition) it is not highlighted as in previous versions of Katalon. And, when I try to access the step definitions (by right click > Find step definition or cmd + left click), I can’t. Try to Recalculate steps also doesn’t seem to do any effect.

*Steps to reproduce

  • Migrate to 10.0.0
  • Open a Cucumber feature
  • Try to find the step definitions

*Expected Results
I should access the class where I defined the step definition.

*Actual Results
Nothing happens.


Number of affected users?
I’m not sure, may be a general issue.

*Operating System
MacOS Sonoma

*Katalon Studio version
Version 10.0.0

*Katalon Studio logs
MacOS logs folder: file:///Applications/
No logs in that folder.

Environment (for Web Testing)
Chrome 130

Please let me know if I can provide any useful information.

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It seems it is an issue with the Cucumber plugin.

are you using latest driver? if not, can you download the driver manually and replace .

hey, to make sure your machine can run the BDD project, you can use my boilerplate project here:


Hi all,

We have acknowledged this issue and plan to fix it in v10.0.1 or 9.7.4. Thank you!

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