I have successfully installed Appium 2 and also built Web Driver Agent on my physical iPhone, but still I can’t launch the app
I use
Mac mini M1 - macOS Sonoma 14.5
Xcode 15.4
Katalon studio 9.5.0
Appium 2.11.2
iPhone physical - iOS 16.3
Please someone help me where did I go wrong
Thank you!
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September 5, 2024, 4:12am
Hi there,
Thank you very much for your topic! It may take a little while before Katalon team member or others forum members respond to you.
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Katalon Community team
Hi @NTTDATAItalia_POnL ,
Thank you for sharing your issue. We have provided a workaround for this issue via this: https://katalon-inc.my.site.com/katalonhelpcenter/s/article/Troubleshooting-Fail-to-start-Appium-server-in-60-seconds . Can you please check and let me know if it works / not work. Thank you!
I followed your suggestion, however I have another issue. Katalon does not find appium directory
With appium 2.xx do you know where the appium directory is located?
This is the directory where I built webdriveragent: /Users/macmi034/.appium/node_modules/appium-xcuitest-driver/node_modules/appium-webdriveragent
I also tried reinstalling xcuitest, however it was there from the previous install. Uninstalling the old appium didn’t make it go away
File Terminal.txt is a log of my progress following your instructions.
Terminal.txt (3.7 KB)
Please tell me how to fix this issue
Thank you!
Hi @NTTDATAItalia_POnL ,
You can try to uninstall/ install Appium by following this guide: How to uninstall and re-install Appium | Katalon Docs . Please try to follow step-by-step to resolve your issue
Hi @Elly_Tran
I followed your instructions step by step, but still can’t solve the issue. The image below are the steps I took.
This is my appium folder, it seems the appium folder is missing a lot of files and its subfolders
Thank you!
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Hi @NTTDATAItalia_POnL ,
Please try the below steps from your side:
→ Uninstall appium by running the below commands in a terminal at your root:
sudo npm uninstall -g appium
sudo npm cache clean --force
→ Disconnect your real device from the laptop
→ Remove any package-json and package-json.lock file inside the .appium folder in your user directory:
→ After that, connect your real device and run the below command in a terminal:
sudo npm i --location=global appium
Hope it helps!
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