Docker run Katalon runtime engine fails with "Test suite not found"

I am trying to integrate the KRE into an Azure Pipeline via the docker image. My command line is:

docker run -t --rm -v ‘pwd’:/tmp/project katalonstudio/katalon -projectPath=/tmp/project -browserType=“Chrome” -retry=0 -statusDelay=15 -testSuitePath=“Test Suites/${{ parameters.testSuite }}” -apikey=$(KatalonApiKey)

The ‘pwd’ is set prior to calling this command.
The ${{ parameters.testSuite }} content has been verified to be ‘Regression Test Suite’
The $(KatalonApiKey) content has been verified to match the api key.
The ‘Test Suites’ folder contents have been verified and the ‘Regression Test Suite.js’ file does exist.
The logs show the prj file being found and opened.
The logs show the ‘Test Suites’ fodler being examined.

What could be causing the test suite to not be found?

Tried all of these variants for -testSuitePath value:

  • ‘/tmp/project/Test Suites/Regression Test Suite.ts’
  • ‘/Test Suites/Regression Test Suite.ts’
  • ‘Test Suites/Regression Test Suite.ts’
  • ‘Test Suites/Regression Test Suite’

Have the same problem