[Docker][Jenkins] parallel run on Jenkins got element not interactable exception


I am trying to run in parallel a collection but I get the error below:
"Caused by: org.openqa.selenium.ElementNotInteractableException: element not interactable"

I’ve searched on the forum and found it the post Element not interactable - Katalon Studio
I tried the solution suggested by using the 2 commands:

`WebUI.waitForElementVisible(yourTestObject, 10)` // if you are waiting for element to appear
`WebUI.waitForElementClickable(yourTestObject, 10)` // if you are waiting for element to click

I tried again on Katalon studio and it works fine. Then I tried to run it on my local Jenkins under docker but I get again the error
"Caused by: org.openqa.selenium.ElementNotInteractableException: element not interactable"

Is anyone facing the same issue as me? Did I miss a config somewhere?

Thanks for your advices.

@phung.nguyen, try the following solution from this post and see what happens.

Looks like there is a different behavior between window and linux.
We change our test collection to use Chrome (headless) instead of Chrome in Katalon docker and looks better.