Docker container with all dependencies for android testing

Is there a way to have all the dependencies to run Katalon testing on mobile android in a docker container or something like it. Since appium need to be in a specific version in order to work and all other softwares to install, I want an easy way for my colleague to run the automated tests when I’m not present without them to have problems installing everything in order to make it work…

I never used docker so I’m looking for information on this and how it works.

Docker container for mobile test is really complex to setup and need large space hard drive to pull Android simulator image (for Android), XCode image (for iOS). The easiest way is seting up a Appium Grid or using Cloud device services (SauceLab, Browserstack, Kobiton, etc) and execute the test via Katalon Remote execution. The sample document is available here:

I use a real device connected via USB…no simulator because we have specific devices that doesn’t exist in the simulator