Displays passed in web recorder but displays failed in playback

When I am using the play button in Web Recorder, the test case passes but when I play it in Playback the test case displays failed. I am using the codeless feature of katalon studio, I just want to ask if someone experienced it too and what workaround did you do. Thank you!

Everyone who tries the Web Recorder will experience the same. No surprise.

Now it is the time for you to start learning.

You have to try to find out the reason why the Test Case failed, and modify the code to fix it. You should read the error logs to find out at which line of test case script an error occured. You should read the error message to find out the reasone. You need to read the test case script, and you need to check the HTML source code. You possibly need to verify if the locator (XPath expression, CSS Selector) in the Test Object is appropriate or not. You need to check your code if it is performing appropriate “wait” for the browser’s action after “click”.

Everybody does the same. No surprise.

Hello @Veritas, This post may help you get started troubleshooting your issue: [How To] Use The Browser Developer Tools (F12 DevTools)

Good luck :sunglasses:

Usually when you record recorder records all possible xpaths and attributes to the object.
when you play back mostly the recorder’s test case will fail. to avoid this pls follow the following tips.

  1. while recording you have the option to save and edit the XPath and attributes
    1.1 Using this feature pls pick the appropriate X-paths and discard the unwanted attributes.
    1.2 we have the option to use or & and condition to the objects
  2. if u forgot step 1 u can directly open the objects by right-clicking it in test cases or from the object repository folder and edit them as we did in step1

mostly if u record you have to change the XPath inside your object