Direct console output to a file

My test case calls a Custom keyword called “Verify” and that’s where all the verification for all the testcases are done. The keyword “Verify” is used in multiple testcases so it’s was better to move the code to a keyword rather than list the verification code in all 60 test cases.

Problem is, Katalon reports(xml, pdf…etc.) show each step from the test case, but not the steps from the custom keyword “Verify”, so all the verification is not listed in the reports. However the verification is displayed on the console tab. My question is how to save the results from the
console tab to a text file. I see that many others have also posted the same question in the past but did not get a solution. I am sure Katalon team or someone on this forum has a solution by now, please help.

Here’s are some of the links I’ve looked plus several others but none of them have a solution.

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I am surprised and a little dismayed to have found this article, dated in 2021, almost 2 years ago, and yet Katalon Studio still lacks this feature. For example, log4j2 was initially released in 2014 (almost a decade ago), and has the ability to redirect the output to console or log file (and has the ability to generate unique filenames, eg., based on timestamp). IMO, this is a basic feature, because test automation system is also a SW (test) application, and as such, ensuring that the Test Application is defect free is also important.

Katalon, please add this feature into your product because it will greatly help us QA Test Automation Engineers.


Hi Robert,

Thanks for sharing your feedback with us.

I will be looping my colleague @Elly_Tran and one of our Katalon Studio team members @xuan.tran here so that they could have a look at this topic.

Thanks, :+1:

The following suggests an idea: