Default profile variable changes are not reflected in runtime

I’m using Katalon Runtime Engine with GitLab CI/CD. I need to change the url in the default profile so I tried to override it in the batch script I’m using by -g_URL=“”. But it still gives the old url configure in the profile. Also I changed it in the default profile variables and ran it in the katalon studio. But I noticed still it’s picking up the old value though the profile has a new value. What would be the cause for this behavior.


Can you share code?

Do you mean the test suite/test suite collection?

where you write a code to update URl value

you can also look into [Katalon Profile] Dynamic Profile update upon execution - #7 by Russ_Thomas

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Please show us the screenshot of your “default” Execution Profile.

I guess, you named the varialbe as url in the profile, but you coded -g_URL=xxxx in the commandline. The case (lower or upper) matters. Perhaps, you need to code -g_url=xxxx.

Thank you @kazurayam this was the problem. Dev team has changed the variable as well as there was an issue with chrome web driver. We were able to fix that by updating.

@atul.rai Thanks for your input. Dev team has changed the variable as well as there was an issue with chrome web driver. We were able to fix that by updating.

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