Debug option not available in KS 7 version

How to run scripts in debug mode.?


You need to open test cases first, and then click on the Debug button on the top - right side.

After opening the testcase also now debug option is available


We should have this option in the title bar. We are not seeing in 7.0.2 version

Hi @Sudheer_D_J

Debugging mode is now available only in KSE. You can trial out KSE using your business email, personal emails are not eligible to trial out KSE. For a comparison of features between KS and KSE, please refer to
section How is KSE different from KS ?


It seems there is a debugger (though perhaps not a debug mode). I can’t try this out myself, don’t have the tool (yet).


You can’t any more in free version but debugger is still there only it skips breakpoints hence unusable. So why did they left debugger in free version which is not working is a mystery on it’s own. :male_detective:

Hint, debug in version 6 until they bury it. :heavy_dollar_sign::heavy_dollar_sign:


A post was merged into an existing topic: KSE Not Showing Debug Mode?



This is ridiculous.


Making debugging a paid only feature effectively cripples the free version of Katalon and makes it useless. At least it is still in the action command, for now. I’m going to look at moving over to as it appears that Katalon are working towards making all key features paid.


Yes, they are slowly burying Katalon free version.

Lesson learned, free without opened source is most expensive software.


This helps… thanks a lot

Debug option is not available in Katalon Studio 7.6. When try to use debug mode it is saying this feature is not available in Katalon Studio Enterprise Version. This is not good…debug mode should available in Katalon Studio 7.6 version