Create a test for two web applications


I have two projects (Cucumber) for two different web applications. They are in the GIT (two different repositories).
Now I need to create a test:

  1. Start the first web application
  2. Set some data
  3. Start the seconde web application
  4. Check this data.

I want to export to my first project Object Repository and Include/scripts/groovy/myPackage of the second project. How can I do this?

Katalon and Cucumner are new for me. May be there is another solution for my needs…

Thanks for your help

I think there is no feature of exporting/importing Test Objects implemented in Katalon Studio.

However I guess (though I have not tried yet) you can copy the *.rs files under the Object Repository directory of a project to another, as Test Objects are recorded in *.rs files. No more mysteries.

You can copy *.rs files by any method you like. Manually, bash cp command, PowerShell Copy-Item, or Gradle copy task etc. You would need to close and reopen the destination project in Katalon Studio to let them acknowledged Test Objects.

However, I would rather recommend you to manually merge these 2 Katalon Studio projects into 1, avoid exporting/importing Test Objects at all, if the 2 projects are closely related.

As for Groovy classes under the Include/scripts/groovy/myPackage, you can create a jar which contains the classes. See the following post and try.