Cmd build window did not popup when I click on cmd icon

Hi there.
in one of my projects, the cmd build window does not pop up when I click on the cmd build icon. however, it does in other projects. it is a critical feature to generate the command line execution, especially the project I was talking about is my main project.
Katalon studio enterprise 7.5.10 with KRE

Please Help


Please provide the log under Help > Error Log when you encounter this issue for further investigation.

Hi ThannTo . here is my log error.

logError.txt (628.5 KB)

Hi [ThanhTo], did you check the Error Log? this option still not working for me, and we just purchase a license from you guys.
Please let me know

Hi @mmettoui

Sorry for the late response, It slipped my inbox. Please delete and activate KS again to see if this issue persists.

Mac: %USERPROFILE%\.katalon\
Window: C:\Users\<username>\.katalon

Let me know if that works.

Hi [ThanhTo]
unfortunately, this did not work, and actually, it added more problems, the XPath healing could not be resolved, and Jira integration plugins says trial even we have purchased the enterprise license, please see the screenshot. Thank you


Please copy and paste the error in here. The trial message is a UI bug, if you have purchased KSE, then the plugins’ won’t actually expire, you can safely ignore that for now. We will improve this UI in upcoming releases.

I am giving you two log files, one for after I clicked on the cmd icon and the other for the failed reload the this log is after I click on cmd build.txt (724.8 KB) this log is for the failed to reload plugins auto healing smart xpath.txt (962 Bytes) plugin.

Hi @mmettoui

Please also send me the default.glbl in folder Profiles of your project that’s having error opening Cmd.

Hi ThanhTo,
I am giving the 2 profiles I have deleted the default one.
Thank you for your support.
INT.glbl.txt (1.3 KB) TST.glbl.txt (1.3 KB)

Wow I think you give me the hint key, I resolved the problem by making one of my profile as a default please see the screenshot, Thank you very much ThannTo. so the big issue has been resolved, just what about that error in the healing XPath plugin reloads? that I showed you before

screen shot

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Hi @mmettoui

The error on Smart XPath plugin indicates that there are 2 instances of the plugin exist simultaneously. Please check under folder Plugins to see if you have any jar files there. If there is a smart xpath jar file, please delete it and reload the project again.

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