Chrome headless throwing error - Error in i18n String generation

When trying to launch web application through chrome headless using KRE windows, it is throwing below error. Same test case is working fine from normal chrome execution. Seems it is my web application issue, but couldn’t get any logs from application side. Not able to proceed now. Any help would be appreciated!

Thank You!

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I rarely found solution relating to this. I will ask my team and in the meanwhile, I found this Android Studio error message I18n - Stack Overflow might help. Back to you soon.

Hello Team,

Do we have any update on this?
When I searched online, found that User agent might be the reason here. Some websites check user agent when you browse to reduce the use of scrapers. If they notice anything suspicious, they will limit (or fully restrict) your activity on such page.
Hence, I copied user agent using this link What is my user agent? - and followed all steps to add User agent in Custom Capabilities → new browser But still I am getting above error.
Can you pls help me to find another way to resolve this issue.

@Russ_Thomas can you pls help me here.

I’ve really no idea. Searching the web brings me back here – it really sounds like you’re only person on the planet with this issue. Ever.

What does Firefox headless do?

If Firefox seems to work okay, you could head to the Chrome issue tracker and post your question there.

I always advised against using browser headless capabilities for real tests.
This mode may be usefull for development for quick DOM validations but that’s all.
For running tests in a headless environment with KRE use normal browser, either with fbdev natively in a linux environment or with Docker (which works also on windows and should be preferred even in Linux environments, for isolation reasons)
Why? Feel free to search the forum on this matter, I will not repeat again and again.

If, for some reason, you actually need to test on a Windows platform, simply use normal browser profile.