Cannot spy/record application


I’m on Windows 10 with Katalon 5.10.1 appium 1.11 and I cannot spy application on my Android device:
" Unable to start app at: ‘C:\Users\\Katalon Studio\MobileTestProject\androidapp\APIDemos.apk’ (Root cause: org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException: An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: The instrumentation process cannot be initialized. Make sure the application under test does not crash and investigate the logcat output.e[0;39m
e[31mBuild info: version: ‘3.7.1’, revision: ‘8a0099a’, time: '2017-11-06T21:07:36.161Z’e[0;39m
e[31mSystem info: host: ‘BCR-HQB-L3653’, ip: ‘xxx.254.249.1’, ‘Windows 10’, os.arch: ‘amd64’, os.version: ‘10.0’, java.version: '1.8.0_181’e[0;39m
e[31mDriver info: driver.version: SwipeableAndroidDrivere[0;39m
e[31mremote stacktrace: UnknownError: An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: The instrumentation process cannot be initialized. Make sure the application under test does not crash and investigate the logcat output.e[0;39m
e[31m at getResponseForW3CError (C:\Users\cristian.muraru\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\appium\node_modules\appium-base-driver\lib\protocol\errors.js:826:9)e[0;39m
e[31m at asyncHandler (C:\Users\cristian.muraru\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\appium\node_modules\appium-base-driver\lib\protocol\protocol.js:447:37))"

Any thoguht?

Hi @cristian.muraru,

Katalon Studio 5.10.1 only supports Appium 1.8.1 and 1.8.2-beta (you only need to use the beta for iOS 12 testing). Can you try downgrading with npm install -g appium@1.8.1 and see if that helps?

– Chris

Hi @Chris_Trevarthen,
It’s OK with your proposition. Thanks a lot.

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Now, when trying to install appium, 1.8.1, I’m stuck with:
" Downloading
RequestError: Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND"

Yes, I’m behind a proxy, but appium1.11 got installed without problems.

Any tips on how to install chromium in this situation?
Thank you in advance!

Thank you, @Chris_Trevarthen!
I can confirm it: Katalon Studio 5.10.1 is working with appium 1.8.1


Glad to hear it’s working! Out of curiosity, how did you get around the chromedriver issue?

– Chris

The only way to make it work was to switch off to an unrestricted wi-fi network :slight_smile:

Thanks for the follow up, and I’m glad you got it working.

In case others have issues installing Appium from the command line, you can download an installer for Appium Desktop 1.6.3, which bundles with it Appium server 1.8.1 (the version numbers are out of sync, which makes it a bit confusing).

– Chris