Cannot encrypt a password in API Request [Headers/Body]

Cannot encrypt a password in API Request [Headers/Body]

We need to generate an Authentication token using an API request and it requires the username and password in the Body. There is no way we can pass the encrypted text in the API Request. Please fix !!

Could you specify more clearly the flow and where you want to pass the encrypted text?

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We want to pass the encrypted text in the Header section of a Web Service Object. Eg. If I am hitting a login API, I need to pass the username and password as headers. I want my password to be in encrypted format. Current encryption only works for web.

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I got you. I will move this thread to new feature/suggestion for further investigating and development. Thank you so much.


Do we have any update on this yet?

Hi All,

Any solution/Advice on this discussion about how to parameterize an Encrypted Password in Request message. If any one has a solution please post it here. TIA

Hi @Evleen_Chowdhary,

Could you please show us the example of your request and the steps that you need to create the request?

Nam Nguyen.