Cannot Activate Katalon 8.6.8

One of my team mates, has a problem in using Katalon Studio 8 version. I will provide a brief history below

  • She has installed Katalon Studio 9 Version in her machine first
    • This version is not compatible with our current code base
  • She removed Katalon 9 and tried to use Katalon Studio 8.6.8 build 208, most of us are using
  • When she tried to use it, below error is shown indicating she has to use the latest version. None of us has this issue


  • We tried to remove her profile and re-create again but still the problem is not solved

Appreciate if a solution to this can be suggested.


Hi @asantha.heiyanthuduw,

Welcome to our forum!

I will be tagging my colleagues @xuan.tran and @Elly_Tran here so that they can take a look at your thread.

May I also ask if your team is one of our paid customers?


Hi Albert,

I am working for IFS.
Our company is a payed customer. All of our Katalon users are not on Enterprise at the mement. The user with this issue is using Katalon free version and that is why I didn’t create a support issue.

Best Regards,

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Thank you for giving us the information. I will contact my team and ask about this legacy. Back to you soon

I am facing a similar issue please help out, the user I am trying to login is currently not licensed to enterprise version.

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Hi all, Can you please share whether you have login KS before Mar 2024?

we have tried to reinstall version and login, in April.

Yes, an free trial for enterprise version 9 has been created and logged in before march 2024 and the trial has been expired.

Hi @asantha.heiyanthuduw and @vijavijayalakshmi,

Have you been active with KS Legacy version (version prior to v9.3.1, except 8.6.9) before March 15, 2024? We hope this helps:

  1. If you’ve already logged in to KS Legacy before Mar 15, you can continue using any KS Free version/package

  2. If you haven’t, you can only use KS Free package (v9.3.1 onwards)