Can you have multiple Scenario in a feature file?

Just one simple question

Im writing cucumber tests (BDD)
Can you have multiple Scenario in a feature file?

I cant make it work
Katalon is only running the first Scenario

Hi @niclas.bergstedt, There are several good Katalon Cucumber YouTube videos you can check out, for example: How to Create Cucumber Feature file in Katalon Studio - YouTube

Do a YouTube search for “Katalon Cucumber”.

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Yes there’s a lot of videos to check out.

But still you could not answer my simple question?

Hi @niclas.bergstedt.
Did you even try searching for your simple question in the Katalon forum for your answer?
I searched the forum using this: “multiple scenario in a feature file” and found this along with other answers. How to run multiple feature files in a specific sequence using cucumber runner class?


But none of the search results does answer my question.

My question is: Can I have mutiple Svenario in the same .feature file ?

See this snippet from this link: Working with BDD feature files in Katalon Studio | Katalon Docs. “For better management, you might want to organize your feature files with a multi-level system. A feature file can contain many scenarios. However, you should have one scenario per feature file for easy maintenance.”