Can Automation Test run using Katalon Runtime Engine on Jenkins pass item 7 of the Professional level certification?

Hi guys,

I’m very interested in Katalon. It is very useful for my work. So I want to get Katalon Certification immediately but I’m stuck at item 7 of the Professional level. Can someone help me, please!

I ran Automation Tests with my Katalon Project using Runtime Engine on Jenskin locally, Is this way valid to pass item 7 (Test run executions on TestOps agents using Katalon Runtime Engine)? Or Must we setup Local or Docker environment on Agent Setup and run the Passed Automation Test be valid?

Looking forward to your response soon.
I appreciate your help, Thank you.

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Hi there,

Thank you very much for your topic. Please note that it may take a little while before a member of our community or from Katalon team responds to you.


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Hi @daonguyenllk ,

Welcome to our community and it is great to hear your huge interest in Katalon. Sorry for my late response due to my vacation week. I will ask my team and let you know soon. :wink:

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Hi @daonguyenllk. Welcome to the community!

You must set up an agent in Katalon TestOps and schedule test executions with such agent via TestOps: Finding it hard to meet some certification criteria? Then read this topic!

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Thank you so much, guys.

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