Begin finding web elements by trial and error method

I get following warning message, when try to check if an element is exists on page.

_Katalon Studio also found a similar element with these attributes: [tag]. See optimizing object identification guide:

_Web element found by trial and error method is not used because we can’t guarantee it reflects the intended element. See detailed troubleshooting guide for common issues:

Sometimes when I’m creating test scripts I also do the trial and error method I’m not sure why but when I’m putting some elements its not recognizable by the tool, but when I used other elements its working.

Sometimes when Im creating test scripts I also do the trial and error method Im not sure why but when Im putting some elements its not recognizable by the tool, but when I used other elements its

Did you use the object spy to get the xpath/css of the page element…? If so did you try clicking on the Verify and Highlight button to see if you have correctly captured the element you want to capture…? During the execution when the script is unable to find the element using the locators you have provided (ex: Xpath or CSS), it switches to the Trial And Error method. So user the object spy to get the xpath or css of the page element and make sure to use the verify and highlight option to validate the xpath or css.

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