Android App Hanging on Launch

Hi @Vinh Nguyen and @Ana Hong . Using only one monitor did not solve the issue. I tried using another phone and the result was the same.

However, our APK did work with the BlueStacks emulator as suggested by @Vinh Nguyen , so we will run with that.

Thank you both for your time and help.

Hi Alex , I am trying to Automate Andriod application , through emulators . I installed Node .Js . But under the NPM folder i could not see the Appium exe file …can you help me out on the same, I have installed AVD and created a Device . Just let me know which link should i need to use for downloading Node Js .

I use BlueStacks emulator When I install APK directly It’s OK but with Katalon I have the same problem

I am getting same issue. Its stuck at reading from manifest file. I am using latest version of everything

Tried below solution and it worked for me (to open chrome browser on my android device)

Added below properties in Project–>Settings–>Execution–>Default–>Mobile–>Android

  1. appPackage String
  2. appActivity String

Very good thank you !!!

to get apk file from Google Play , you can use this apk downloader