Exception: Uncaught Error: Mode gherkin failed to advance stream

Continuing the discussion from Jira Integration:

@Drunda_Nibel Just to let you know that we’ve fixed the issue and will release a new Jira add-on next week (This is another add-on that runs on your Jira server).

Thank you! I was on vacation last week. We will try it out again.

But in the meantime, the early adopter trial period for our Jira plugin in Katalon Studio has expired. Can the functionality still be tested with the previous Jira integration programmed into the main Katalon Studio?

Yes @Drunda_Nibel. Just update the Jira plugin from Atlassian marketplace.

Thanks, @devalex88!

The add-on in Jira now seems to work basically (I haven’t tested the connection from Katalon Studio yet). However, we still see three problems with it that need to be solved so that it can be accepted unconditionally and used productively:

  1. Since the Katalon field only appears in the Jira overlay for editing the issue, it is much too narrow to display even ASCII tables correctly, i.e., without annoying line breaks.
  2. In addition, there is apparently no prettify function available, as is the case when editing feature files directly in Katalon Studio, in order to correctly align the instructions (especially tables, again) without much effort.
  3. The syntax highlighting obviously only works with English Cucumber keywords, at least not when using the switch “#language: de” with German keywords. (By the way, the same applies to the display of feature files in Katalon Studio itself. I.e. Cucumber scenarios in German language are executed correctly, but even there neither the German keywords nor the successful matching of the instructions with already existing functions in the script files are correctly highlighted, i.e., even no “glueing” can be seen there.)

I’m afraid that without significant improvements in these three points, we won’t be able to successfully establish this add-on for wide use in our company.

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