World-Wide Map of Katalon Community ๐Ÿ—บ๏ธ

Inspired by this topic, I have created our very first Map of Katalon Community so that we can see where each of us come from which can lead to interesting discussions about our hometown and the likes.

Check out the map below :point_down:

Check out the Map

Interested in adding your location? Then leave a reply below and provide us with the following info:

  • [Required] Your Locationโ€™s coordinates
  • [Required] Your name โ†’ will default to your username instead if not provided.
  • [Optional] An image to jazz up your pin on the map. :man_dancing:
  • [Optional] A short description about you โ†’ be sweet, be funny, or be whimsical, it is up to you :sunglasses:

:information_source: It is best to provide only an approximation of your current location, for example, a supermarket or gym near where you live, for the sake of privacy.

How to see your approximated coordinates?

Screen Recording 2024-04-16 at 18.14.37

  1. Go to Google Maps.
  2. Navigate to your location or an area near your location.
  3. Right-click and select What's here? in the context menu that pops up.
  4. You will then see your Coordinates.

36ยฐ13โ€™13.5"N 93ยฐ05โ€™23.1"W


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49ยฐ07โ€™18.7"N 122ยฐ39โ€™39.7"W

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Hi @Russ_Thomas and @grylion54,

Your coordinates have been added! You can check it out here.

Oh, and I forgot to mention, you can also have a image embedded in your locations as well (this is optional of course but it could add some touch of :sparkles: pizzazz :sparkles: to them), similar to mine โ€ฆ

of which the Android bot was made using the page below :point_down:

Feel free to with me the image (via Gdrive, Onedrive, Imgur, or via our forum personal message, etc.) and I will attach them to your locations! :+1:

24.495251, 54.624144

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Hi Ronald, your pin has been added :wink:

52.3938, 1.2687

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Hi Richard,

My apology for the delayed response.

I have added your coordinates to our map. You can check it out here below: Map of Katalon Users - Google My Maps

12.923182806378087, 77.61731910676939

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Iโ€™m at 38.9847ยฐ N, 77.0947ยฐ W.

My name is H Mork. I work as QA Consultant at consuting Inc. I love finding mistakes and thatโ€™s why I like being in QA profession. Here are my cordinates - 43.765153, -79.288296.


Hi @dineshh, @derek.weeks, and @hmorker, :wave:

Your location has been updated, you can take a look here: World-Wide Map of Katalon Community - Google My Maps

Thanks for contributing to our map! :sunglasses:

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I prefer to use my cityโ€™s Landmark for this (Tugu Yogyakarta)
Location: -7.782951, 110.367077
Name: farizagati


Hi all, my coordinates are 19ยฐ02โ€™23.8"N 10ยฐ48โ€™07.2"E

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Hereโ€™s my coordinates: 42ยฐ02โ€™33.8"N 88ยฐ31โ€™13.4"E


My coordinate is 21ยฐ02โ€™20.5"N 105ยฐ49โ€™38.8"E


Here is my coordinates 44ยฐ39โ€™51.5"N 63ยฐ36โ€™00.7"W

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My coordinate: 10ยฐ43โ€™46.8"N 106ยฐ42โ€™32.3"E

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Hi, please add my coordinates: 14ยฐ36โ€™10.1"N 120ยฐ59โ€™58.2"E


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