While running test suite in IE it is setting word by word value to text field

while running test suite in IE it is setting word by word value to text field especially set text command. very slow.

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This problem is due to a malfunction in 64 bits version of the IE WebDriver, a problem with Windows hooks. More informatyion on the GitHub IE WebDriver project, issue #5116.

A work around for this annoying problem is to use the 32 bits version of the IE WebDriver.

To change or update a WebDriver, please refer to “Update or Replace Web Browser Drivers and Selenium” page in Katalon Studio Documentation (https://docs.katalon.com/display/KD/Update+or+Replace+Web+Browser+Drivers+and+Selenium).

I hope this advice solve your problem.

Thank you very much.


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Thanks JJGonche will try and update you…

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you need to change the IE driver to IE driver version x32 it will work.
IE Driver Location: <Katalon Studio folder>\configuration\resources\drivers\
you can download it from here depending on your selenium version: