Visual testing - checkpoints are doubling


im trying to implement visual test for my project,
I runned test suite once and saved a screenshot to baselines, on the second attamept of running same test suites, the same screenshot is being taken and it again shown as ‘New’ one that needs to be saved to baselines, its not comparing it to the one already saved with the same name.

visual test


The system only compares images and baselines with the same name and dimensions (width, height)
Maybe your second image has a different size than the base image?

Yes i noticed that happening. Any idea why sometimes dimensions are diffrent? Im comparing same site everytime


Your script includes lines:


Let me suppose you ran it 2 or more times to take full page screenshots of a single URL with long enough intervals (hours, days, weeks). You are likely to get PNG images with the same width but different hight because the height of full page depends on the mass of HTML content, which moves continuously.


The system only compares images and baselines with the same … height

If the system is designed as such, you should suspend WebUI.takeFullPageScreenshotXXXXX() keyword, as it makes users confused.

Thanks for the tip and explenation
I guess using ’ takeAreaScreenshotAsCheckpoint’ with given x ,y parameters will fix this ?

Likely, but I do not know. Please check it yourself.