[Updated - Mar 8th] Beta release 6.0.6

6.0.6 has been officially released.

Dear everyone,

This is the Beta package of Katalon Studio 6.0.6 with the following issue fixed.

Updated Package (Mar 8th, 2019):

Fixed issues:

Best regards,
Dung Ngo


Hello, the application is crashing when i open a test case with a script mode and select few test steps and press Ctrl + X or right click and select CUT. Pls fix it. Thanks!

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Fixed issues in this version:

  • Fixed an issue where REST WS Object - URL field automatically added question mark right after saving

  • Fixed an issue where recorder function is not working with Internet Explorer in Katalon Studio version 5.10.1

  • Fixed an issue where script view for Profile variables is empty

  • Provide more details in log error messages

  • Fixed an issue where users can not set proxy settings to selenium grid for accessing applications behind the firewall

  • Fixed overriding Global Variable for Test Suite Collection issue

  • Fixed an issue where Test Suite Collection cannot be executed in cmd mode


I successfully tested “Test Suite Collection execution in cmd mode” - Thank you.



I have a problem with version 6.0.6, it does not open the browser.

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Thank you for the report. Did you encounter this issue with the previous version?

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With version 5.4.2 it was working.

If possible could you please try again with 5.10.1? This will help us isolate the issue.

I had a problem:

I gave permission to the Katalon folder and it was resolved

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Chrome Driver’s documentation ChromeDriver - WebDriver for Chrome - Downloads says

If you are using Chrome version 72, please download ChromeDriver 2.46 or ChromeDriver 72.0.3626.69"

The most current version of Google Chrome is 72.x , so please update the bundled chromedriver in Katalon Studio 6.0.x


I’m sure @kazurayam meant “bundled” and not “bungled” :rofl:

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Thank you,Russ, now I learned what “bungled” means.


I spend a lot of time every day bungling my Test Cases :smiley: so I know the word quite well :wink:


Me too :wink:

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