Unknow error:Chrome failed to start (crash)

both of them are “77.0.3865.120” X64

Firefox works fine

How about just give a try. Rename this to


and try running Katalon test. I mean, you may be successful with invoking Chrome browser located under the C:\Program Files (x86) folder.

The program is occupied, cannot be changed name, restart also cannot.

You should be able to stop Chrome browser window, can’t you? Once you stop the Chrome window, you should be able to rename the binary.

stop Chrome browser window is OK, but can not change filename.

The use of tools will not remove the occupancy, maybe I should uninstall chrome and reinstall it.

How about just power-off PC and restart it?

or open taskmanager with elevated rights (admin) and kill all chrome.exe processes

i closed this as it is inactive