Unable to run test on ubuntu server


I am running test on ubuntu server and it is throwing below exception

at com.kms.katalon.core.webui.keyword.builtin.VerifyElementTextKeyword.verifyElementText(VerifyElementTextKeyword.groovy:72)
Can you help me to resolve the issue.

Note: same test is running fine on mac.

We probably need more information like screenshots of your code to see the reason. Follow this post and restructure your question with more detail.

Hey, added details can you check.

You can try changing to WebUI.verifyElementAttributeValue(). You can check the doc here for more info.

I wanted to verify text of that specific element which has id. So WebUI.verifyElementAttributeValue() this verifies the attribute value. Element id has text as shown is screenshot attached. How to use this ? Do i need to change the value is Object Repository . Currently in OR only custom id is selected.

Also The same WebUI Keyword VerifyElementText is working for other tests on ubuntu server. And it’s failing for this tests only.

@priyanka.gedewad Read the following thread that explains how this would work.

Not resolved still my test is failing with same exception explained in comment.

Any other solution?

Can you provide the HTML you are testing with

added html details. can you please check.

We would need the whole HTML file generated from the report folder and also the full execution log to investigate this problem.

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