Unable to run katalon pipeline

unable to run katalon pipeline due to below error .

YAML file -

  • task: katalonTask@1
    version: ‘8.4.0’
    executeArgs: ‘-browserType=“chrome” -retry=0 -statusDelay=15 -testSuitePath=“Test Suites/EPSP-API-Test Suite-Quick Regression” -apiKey=$(5b584b23-b09a-4f38-9e91-58aea7c28be5)’

Hey Amitesh @kumar.amithe90, thank you for asking. Look like this is a network issue, if you have a firewall enabled on your system, make sure that your port is open for outgoing TCP connections and allows you to access the given address.

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firewall is disabled in my system

Then it is probably the target address API timed out. Maybe you should try pinging the target system and see the response?