Unable to recognize changeSheet when getting data to other sheet (excel)

Good Day,

First of all im new to automation and I just want to ask why “changeSheet” is not recognize in my script?

I already imported the ff:
import com.kms.katalon.core.testdata.TestDataFactory
import com.kms.katalon.core.testdata.ExcelData
import com.kms.katalon.core.testdata.TestData

Also I already installed the Excel Keywords Plugin

The scenario is
I want to call another data to other sheet (excel)

Excel data

Please help me thanks!

Found a solution!
ExcelData tabGeneralInformation = findTestData(‘Facilities’)
ExcelData tabFacilityAddressInformation = findTestData(‘Facilities’)
ExcelData tabFacilityContactInformation = findTestData(‘Facilities’)
tabGeneralInformation.changeSheet(“General Information”)
tabFacilityAddressInformation.changeSheet(“Facility Address Information”)
tabFacilityContactInformation.changeSheet(“Facility Contact Information”)

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