Unable to parse HTTP request

If the parameter in the request has value with empty spaces I am getting “Unable to parse HTTP request” and 400 error.The same request is successful in Postman tool

Tome Jankulovski said:

If the parameter in the request has value with empty spaces I am getting “Unable to parse HTTP request” and 400 error.The same request is successful in Postman tool

If you share with screenshots so that I can reproduce your problem on my side

try with this request
test - Google Search test&oq=test&aqs=chrome…69i57j69i60l2j69i61j69i60l2.2807j0j8&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

just use test test for q parameter

As I can see,Katalon is not making test+test automaticaly, like when you search with google

Katalon Problem Api.png

Tome Jankulovski

Replace the space with %20

Thanks Ibus,but that was not the point.The point is whenever user enters empty spaces,Katalon automaticaly to add %20 or +